Software Development

No open positions

There are currently no open positions so we don't want to waste your time applying while we know we can not offer you a position. But you can get to know us better and we can also learn about you.

How to start the application?

During a code review you see the code below. Our rule is that every commit should make the product better. Tell us what you think at kmitov [at] axlessoft [dot] com. Do you accept the code or no? Why? Would you change it? How?

 class LdrawLine(abc.ABC):
+    default_x: ClassVar[float] = 23
+    default_y: ClassVar[float] = 45
+    default_z: ClassVar[float] = 0
         This is the abstract class which every LdrawLine should implement.
@@ -85,11 +88,19 @@ class LdrawLine(abc.ABC):
         elif line_args[1] == "STEP":
             line_param = _Step()
         elif line_args[1] == "ROTSTEP":
-            rostep_params = {
-                "rot_x": float(line_args[2]),
-                "rot_y": float(line_args[3]),
-                "rot_z": float(line_args[4])
-            }
+            if line_args[2] == "END":
+                rostep_params = {
+                    "rot_x": LdrawLine.default_x,
+                    "rot_y": LdrawLine.default_y,
+                    "rot_z": LdrawLine.default_z,
+                    "type": "ABS"
+                }
+            else:
+                rostep_params = {
+                    "rot_x": float(line_args[2]),
+                    "rot_y": float(line_args[3]),
+                    "rot_z": float(line_args[4])
+                }